What’s Been Going On.

So sorry.

The other day in the car Richard asked me – “Why don’t you ever write on your blog anymore?”

I couldn’t give a very good, straight answer. I don’t really know. Boredom maybe. laziness? Maybe even it started feeling intimidating when I would read other girl’s blogs and see how cool they are and I feel like mine lacks in comparison.

I started thinking though – does it matter if anyone really reads this? No.
Do I genuinely like to blog. Yes.

So… I am back!

Here are some things to catch you up on what’s been going on in my little life.

  • Still with Richard. Going on 6 months now! Wow!! Where does the time go?!

IMG_20121126_075844Uploaded from the Photobucket Android AppUploaded from the Photobucket Android App

Remember my dating plan? I would say it went very well.

  • I still love all my original TV shows but have added a new one. Walking Dead. I am pretty much obsessed. It’s so good… I have caught myself up to the end now and I may have withdraw symptoms until the next season starts in February.  Warning: It is really gory, what do you expect though from a tv show about zombies…but still so good! Does anyone else love this show?


  • December is going to be a busy month with the holidays, the Christmas parties, college graduations (Yah!! Congrats Sarah, my roomie!) and spending time with family. I will try to update more often like I used to until then here are some of Instagram pictures. I have been slacking there as well.. oops! 

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android AppUploaded from the Photobucket Android AppUploaded from the Photobucket Android AppUploaded from the Photobucket Android AppUploaded from the Photobucket Android AppUploaded from the Photobucket Android App

As always you can follow me in real-time on Instagram @amandawatkins2

Until later,

Update on Dating Part 4

Well… it’s been awhile since I have done a post on this topic. Warning this post could get quite wordy. I am just telling you up front…

As I said in this post here, I am dating someone exclusively.

Remember these post: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3?

So, I started this experience back in February/March… it was a crazy, new, different, fun experience.
I met guys on Match and other random places and I would date them. They all knew about each other for the most part, or at least knew I was dating others.

 There were times when I got confused or drained or tired. Some weeks I was going out almost every night plus working at my church child care center a couple of nights a week.

One time, this is embarrassing to admit, but I had a dream that I had all of them there on one date (except in the dream it wasn’t really any of them.) and I couldn’t remember any of their names and was getting them all confused! That’s when I decided to narrow things down and quit adding more. It just was becoming overwhelming.

So, I backed off  Match – and after talking to a couple of them and my counselor (yes, I go to counselor – just to talk to someone about things.) I decided that I wasn’t really going to go anywhere with any of them if I didn’t put in a little more effort with any of them, and really try so I kept the ones that I was still interested in, who were also still interested in me. (Keep in mind I talked about 3 of these guys into doing the same thing – So I knew they were also dating other girls.) I don’t know how to explain this except for there was no pressure from anyone…it was the first time I was communicating up front and they were too and I was building up friendships. Yeah, some of them backed out and I obviously backed out on them too but it was respectful and it was honest. I am still friends with some of them, and really respect and admire them and truly wish them the best!

Now… let’s talk about how this exclusive thing happened:

Continue reading

Update on Dating: Part III

Do you remember this post or this one??

Well…these seem to be my most popular post. Why? Beats me… maybe people find humor in my sad life. Haha… kidding! I have a great life actually. I just kind of suck at dating.

I still believe in what I said in my first post and still believe that this is the way to do it, it’s just a lot harder than it seemed to be.  It somewhat overwhelmed me and I felt like I wasn’t really getting to know anyone. So, I narrowed it down and decided to NOT add anymore… well then now, I am kind of at a standstill.

I think now at this moment, I am going to take a small break, just for a while and then maybe I will try again soon.

I will promise you this though, if I ever do get married and something were to happen where I have to date again, I will not do. I actually loathe it…. Not tying to be negative, but it’s.just.so.hard. Maybe I am making it harder than it needs to be I don’t know.

Who knows… we will just see what happens!


Update on Dating

Remember this post?

It’s been a few weeks since I wrote about how that is actually going.

It’s going…

The whole point of the book is to keep your numbers up for a while.

I was doing good. I had about 3-4 dates a week for a couple  of weeks…but as people phased out, which is natural, instead of replacing them (that sounds bad – What I mean is keeping a steady  number of dates.)  I started focusing my attention on one.

Which, wouldn’t be bad if it was mutual. It turns out, I believe,  that he was really into the game. He thought it since I was dating others I was more challenging. Which is good if I would have played it right. He tried and wooed me and it was good. I gave in too soon though. (Not like that.) I just quit trying to be a chase and started hanging out with only him. I didn’t do anything I can think of that would automatically make him like me any less.

 I am sure you can guess what happened next: We went from talking everyday and hanging all the time to nothing. Nada. Zilch. He won’t respond to my text anymore nor does he text me anymore.

Oooooohhh…yeah… that sucks.

I should have done what I said I would do and still saw other guys.  I should have made him work a little a harder a little longer. Until Maybe? I don’t know. This is where I always suck in the dating world. I can get them but I can’t keep them.

Anyways, so now I am starting over. Back to the drawing board. Getting my numbers back up. I am not going to dwell on any of this and besides it hasn’t been that long anyways… he could come back around. If he does – that’s fine. He will just have to woo me again is all.

Anybody else out there ever been in a similar situation?  How do you deal with guys disappearing? Or maybe any guys out there can explain to me why you do this and give me some advice!


Hello world!

So… I LOVED Tumblr – but apparently it did not have the same feelings for me. 😦

Constant crashing – everytime I made a post.  See old Tumblr post here!

I miss blogging, so I thought I would give it another try on a new site. We shall see…

So as far as updates: Nothing too exciting here in my little world.

 I did see this via, and I thought since I just had a birthday- why not make a new tradition: So here are my 26 goals before 27:

Also – I now have a pinterest account. Follow me here.

I feel like blogging on and on…but I will save you of that and wait until later to blog some more. 🙂
